My Boys

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006 

There is an obscure Sci-fi movie called Serenity based on an even more obscure sci-fi TV show called Firefly. This movie follows the adventures of the rag-tag crew of a space-ship called Serenity. Great doings are a-brewing and their plight worsens as they are drawn into a futuristic government conspiracy.

And now, because I'm a jerk and like to ruin plots for the sake of a message, I will tell you what that conspiracy is. The crew discovers that some time ago the government was doing some research into behavioral modification. They developed a drug that was designed to supress the aggressive tendancies within people. They then released this drug into the air on one of their outlying planets. The results were catastrophically successful.

The aggressive tendancies were removed from most of the population and they would no longer fight. In fact, the drug was so effective that those affected gave up fighting for anything at all. They stopped going to work, stopped leaving their homes, stopped eating, even breathing. The fight was taken right out of them. And they all died. Millions of people all just layed down and died.

Brothers and Sisters, do not give up the fight! Our culture today is telling us to stop fighting. Leisure time is valued above a good day of working hard. Romantic relationships are boiled down to self-gratifying sex. Any and every corner that can be cut is hacked off. The quick and easy is glorified while anything that requires time or effert is deemed passé.

There is a lurking creature in our midst. This beast wishes to drain the life out of us and turn us into its mindless slaves. This vicious creature is consumerism. It seeks to undercut anything that cannot be mass-produced and easily marketed. The men behind this beast (for make no mistake, it does have masters) do not wish to build something that will last. They want your money and they get it by keeping you ever unsatisfied and offering only meaningless quick-fix answers.

And what does all of this chasing-after-our-tails result in? Death. The slow death of one who no longer can find the will to fight. They give us just enough to numb the pain of an unsatisfied life and keep us from fighting against the beast.

Brothers and Sisters, pick up the fight! Seek something real. Something that satisfies because it is good. And when you find it... fight! Fight for the good. And do not let the men in suits tell you that quicker and easier is better.

Go in Peace.

categories: movies/pop-culture