My Boys

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006 

The Unispired Youth

It has been said that this generation of youth has the capacity to do great things. They have every door open to them. Every opportunity is within their grasp. But why don’t we have any Mozarts or Shakespeares? Why is it that so many youth are trading in their bright futures for crystal meth? I believe it’s because they’re uninspired.

Throughout history there have been great events and movements occurring that inspire individuals towards action, towards accomplishing great things. War, often associated with bringing out the worst in men has also been known to inspire people towards such passé concepts as heroism and valour.

Our society offers two main inspirations: success and possessions. Young people are told that in order to live a fulfilling life they must work hard in school, graduate with great marks, go to university, get a high-paying job, make lots of money, and own lots of stuff. With such a satisfying life ahead of them is it any wonder so many youth simply want to make enough money to escape to some foreign country?

Their young hearts are yearning for adventure and experience. They hope to see something new that will make it easier to come back to our: ‘succeed and buy until you die’ culture.

If this generation of youth is going to live up to their potential they will need to be inspired. The question is, will that inspiration come from some outside force bringing a large-scale conflict of some kind or will it come from the older generations leaving the youth with something more than this consumerist mantra.

As one of those from the great expectations generation, I recognize the importance of taking responsibility for my own direction; but I also recognize how important it is for the older generations to give us inspiration. Do you want to see us succeed? Inspire us. Draw out that potential energy for success that is within this next generation. Give us something worth fighting for.

categories: youth issues, inspiration